How it works

Find the right trading partner and have logistics professionals and finance providers take care of the execution. Minimal time and effort, maximum value!
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Direct business

Find your buyer or supplier directly through the online platform and confirm a deal within seconds. Deal in milk powder, butter and cheese.

Direct services

You can rely on logistics, insurance and finance services of industry leaders so you can focus on your core business.

This is how it works


Place offers, request quotations and find new partners to trade with.


Buyers can find matching offers based on their specification. Get cheaper financing, better logistics and order visibility.


Negotiate directly with the buyers and the suppliers and agree on the right terms.


Get full insight in the order status, upload and approve documents and track your orders in real time.


Both buyer and seller pay a small fee to OpenDairy once a transaction is made. We price transparently and keep you updated through all steps of the process.

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